Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Waste Management Free Essays
Waste management Waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environmentor aesthetics. Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption ofnatural resources. We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now All wastes materials, whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrialproducers. Management for non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility oflocal government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international controls. Waste management is vital to the healthy functioning of a society. Throughout history, sanitation issues have been to blame for disease outbreaks and epidemics in most populated regions of the world. Improper waste management has negative affects on individual health, and similarly it also negatively impacts environmental health. Positive waste management systems, however, can prevent the negative impacts waste has on the environment. Recycling, or reusing materials that have already been used once, is an environmentally friendly way of utilizing waste. Using the gas that decomposing organic materials give off in landfills as a source of energy is another possible way for waste management to function in a green way. Once a substance or object has become waste, it will remain waste until it has been fully recovered and no longer poses a potential threat to the environment or to human health. From this point onwards, the waste ceases to be waste and there is no longer any reason for it to be subject to the controls and other measures required by the Directive. How to cite Waste Management, Essay examples Waste Management Free Essays Management of municipal solid waste (MSW) or otherwise known as trash or garbage is an ongoing environmental and economic issue not only in the Unites States but also around the world especially in a developing country like the Philippines. The need for a community assessment that aims at assessing the current problems related to the way trash is managed in Pateros, the smallest district in Metro Manila, has been identified. A community assessment is a systemic process of understanding a health problem for the purpose of priority setting or developing an action plan (Escoffery et al, 2004). We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now Before I initiate a community assessment in the area of Pateros, I would have to follow a guide to effectively accomplish the assessment. The matter of solid waste and its management in Metro Manila had catapulted itself into the limelight in 2000, during which a number of issues plagued the solid waste management sector (Navarro, 2003). Tragically, excessive open dumping of solid waste combined with the seasonal monsoon rains at the Payatas site, the largest active open dumpsite in the Philippines, in July 2000 caused a large-scale slope failure that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of scavengers (Mair, n. . ). As a Health Educator, I am tasked to assess the needs of this community in relation to the management of waste and how it can be improved to minimize and prevent the health hazards that threatens the health of the citizens of Pateros. There are four phases in the community assessment. The initial phase is the needs assessment planning phase. Determining the purpose and obje ctives of a community is the first step that falls under this phase. I have already identified that the purpose of conducting an assessment in the district of Pateros are the current problems related to the way that trash is managed WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT 2 in this community and how it can be improved to minimize and prevent the health hazards that threatens the health of the citizens of Pateros. Second step is to identify and involve the stakeholders. It is critical to have members of the agency and community involved in the planning of the assessment. Stakeholders are gatekeepers to the community for the process (Escoffery et al, 2004). I will have to gather a community advisor board that will compromise of representatives from the local community council, health department, medical practices, local business owners and hospitals. Third step is to identify the population of interest or community. The local community advisory board has identified local citizens within the boundaries of the district of Pateros as the intended population to assess. The fourth step is to develop an operational management plan. Under this step, the health agency that I work for should establish the logistics of the assessment. This means that the plan should outline the details that will determine data indicators and sources, prioritization methods; role of the stakeholders; how the meetings will be facilitated and organized and ways to build consensus and management conflict (Petersen Alexander, 2001). The health agency has developed steps for the assessment utilizing the Health Education Planning model. Once the assessment planning is complete, the assessment moves to the data collection phase. This phase includes (1) talking to key informants who are community leaders who are in the position to know the community very well, (2) identifying community indicators for assessment in which identified previously as the overwhelming trash that is poorly managed by the community, (3) identifying data sources which was identified from research done regarding Metro Manila’s waste management from previous years WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT 3 and compared it to data to other ASEAN countries, (4) conducting a community profile by gathering information from local census and other governmental agencies such as Metro Manila developing agency and by conducting tour of the community, (5) conducting a resource inventory in which the assessment team developed a list of community agencies and contacts who could assist with the improvement of waste management in Pateros and lastly but not the least (6) gathering and reviewing existing and obtaining new data by using quantitative and qualit ative methods regarding the opinions, attitudes, behaviors and thoughts of the community and individual community members about the current problems to the way trash is managed in Pateros. Methods used to acquire data included mailed and door-to-door surveys, self-administered questionnaires, focus group, community forums and in-depth interviews. After collecting the data for assessment, reviewing the data should be run to answer the main assessment questions (Escoffery et al, 2004). Results from data findings should be summarized and concise when presented to the advisory board. The assessment team and stakeholders should come to a consensus regarding the district of Pateros’ primary needs based on the assessment results. Prioritizing needs is necessary to identify ways to address the issue at hand. Finally, the health agency can now develop an action plan from the culmination of the collected data. When making recommendations for an action plan, the agency should reexamine the purpose and questions of the assessment in presenting data (Escoffery et al, 2004). The recommendation plan should coincide directly to what was discovered from the assessment results and should involve the entire assessment committee in the process. The final action plan should identify ways of how WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT 3 to improve waste management in Pateros, the expected time frame that the plan will be implemented and required resources to fulfill the plan. Sharing the assessment results to the citizens of Pateros is an important part of the whole community assessment. The community will appreciate that their input has been sought and is valuable to the development of a course of action. The agency should make the assessment results user-friendly so every individual community member may understand it. Once the plan is in place, the agency should establish methods of monitoring and evaluating the action plan to ensure that the programs implemented are addressing the issues and needs of the district of Pateros. Therefore, this evaluation continues the cycle of community assessment and slowly transition the leadership from the health agency to the local advisory board to other community partners to help take the lead in implementing and monitoring activities related to the action plan in the community (Escoffery et al, 2004). Campbell, C. (2001). Health Education Planning Modelsâ€â€A Review of the Literature – Part II. Retrieved 10/16/10 from Escoffery, C. Miner, K.  Trowbridge J. (2004). Conducting Small-Scale Community Assessments. American Journal of Health Education, 35(4), 237-241. Retrieved 10/12/10 from ProQuest Nursing Allied Health Source. (Document ID: 679672971). Mair, D. (n.d.). Solid Waste Management in the Philippines: A Small Island Experience. Retrieved 10/15/10 from Navarro, R.A. (2003). A Systems Approach on Solis Waste Management in Metro Manila. Retrieved 10/15/10 from Ramos R.P. (2003). Waste Management in developing countries: A Case Study of Toxic and Hazardous Waste in the Philippines. Retrieved 10/15/10, from http:/// Sharma A., Lanum M. and Suarez-Balcazar Y. (2000). A Community Needs Assessment Guide: A Brief Guide on How to Conduct a Needs Assessment. Retrieved 10/12/10 from http:///www.luc/edu/curl/pdfs/A Community Needs Assessment Guide .pdf How to cite Waste Management, Papers Waste management Free Essays Each of us will throw a lot of waste every day; you know where all the wastewent? Most of the waste will get sanitary landfill, incineration, composting and other sound processing in some areas with better waste management, while most places Just easy piled or landfill, this cause odour spread, soil and underground water get polluted. peopleare not only Just consuming a lot of resources, mass production, mass consumption of land, but also produced a lot of waste; this consequences will be unimaginable. This essay will demonstrate the definition of waste; waste lassification, recycling, processing and some other additional materials about waste power generation. We will write a custom essay sample on Waste management or any similar topic only for you Order Now Introduction Earth is our home, which provides us with the necessary environment and space for living; but with the rapid development of social economy and the urban population of highly concentrated, the output of waste is gradually increasing, our home is surrounded by garbage from day to day. In densely populated cities, waste disposal is a vexing problem. Common practice is collected and sent to landfills, or use incinerators; but both would create environmental problems, and excessive onsumption can further reduce termination landfills saturation level. Improper waste disposal in landfills can contaminate groundwater and odour, and many cities have been available for less and less landfill area. Produce poisonous gas, harmful organisms is inevitable forlncineration. Most of the cities are studying ways to reduce waste, and encourage recycling. Research Methodology Library Research: 1. Recording notes. 2. Content analysis. . Collect the needed information. Field Research: 1. Personal interview. 2. Groupmeeting. 3. Telephone survey. 4. Case study. The definition of waste Waste is also known as rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage, Junk and litter; which refer to unwanted or useless solid, fluid substance. Merriam-Websterdefineswaste is the trash from places of human or animal residence; The World Book Dictionary also say that waste is the u seless or worthless material, stuff to be discarded. Unfortunately, these two definitions reflect a common attitude that does not admit waste as a resource. Nevertheless, Zero Waste America defines waste as â€Å"a resource that is not safely recycled back into the environment or the marketplace. †This definition onsiders the value of waste as a resource, as well as the threat of unsafe recycling ‘wasting’ actually does not exist in nature, they are human inventions due to human behaviour. ln nature, everything has a purpose. Waste was created by humans for short-term convenience and short-term profit. Meanwhile, this leads to long-term harmful consequences for humans, nature, and the economy. Waste classification, recycling and processing Waste classification means according to different composition, properties, use value of waste as well as the impact on the environment, andthe requirements of different isposal methods, divided into a number of different types of properties. lts purpose is to bring convenience for resource recovery and subsequent disposal. The meaning of the classification of waste People are faced with the situation of the growing waste production and environmental deterioration. How to through the waste classification managementto maximize waste resource utilization, reduce the amount of garbage disposaland improve the living quality of the environment is currently the world’s pressing problems of common concern. Waste classification is the reform of the traditional ay to garbage collection disposed; it is aneffectivescientific management methodfor waste disposal. Waste classification is put waste classificationat source, and through the classification of the pickup and recycled back into a resource. The benefit of waste classification is obvious. After being classification, waste was sent to a factory instead of landfills, not only save the land, but also avoids the pollution produced by landfill or burned. Waste classification Recyclable waste They are mainly five categories which include waste paper, plastic, glass, metal, and cloth. Waste Paper: mainly includes newspapers, periodicals, books, all kinds of wrapping paper and so on; But should pay attention to paper towels and toilet paper because of their water soluble is too strong, cannot be recycled. Plastic: plastic waste containers, plastic packaging and other plastic products. Such as various plastic bags, plastic bottles, foam, disposable plastic lunch boxes cutlery, hard plastic and so on. Glass: mainly includes all kinds of glass bottles, pieces of broken glass, mirror, light bulb debris, and thermos bottle, etc. Metal: mainly includes cans, cans and so on. Fabric: mainly includes the abandoned clothes, tablecloths, towels, bags, shoes and so on. Kitchen waste Kitchen waste is refers to catering units, enterprises, institutions, schools, canteens and other food scrapswaste, commonly known as swillor pigwash. The main component of kitchen waste are starch, food fibre, animal fats and other organic substances; it have a high moisture content, fat, high salt content, perishable smelly fermentation characteristics. Hazardous waste Toxic and hazardous waste refers to the solids that could be harmful to human body ealth or toxic substances or cause real harm to the environment or potential hazards wastes. Including batteries, fluorescent tubes, light bulbs, mercury thermometers, paint bucket, home appliances, expired drugs, expired cosmetics. If the battery is burned, after the blast will be killing hundreds of people; Fluorescent tubes and bulbs are Just like the battery, radiation is also large; Mercury is more landfilling. Other rubbish Includingin addition to the above-mentioned categoriesgarbage, such as ceramictile, muck, toilet waste paper, paper towels and other difficult to recycle waste, usually ased on the characteristics and take the way of burning or burying garbage processing. Waste materials by kind, composition and sources. Kind Composition Sources Garbage Wastes from preparation, cooking, and serving of food; market wastes; wastes from handling, storage, and sale of produce Households, restaurants, institutions, stores, markets Rubbish Flammable: paper, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood, tree branches, yard trimmings, wood furniture, bedding, dunnage Inflammable: metals, tin cans, metal furniture, dirt, glass, crockery, minerals Ashes Residue from fires used for cooking and heating and from on-site burning Street refuse Sweepings, dirt, leaves, catch basin dirt, contents of litter receptacles Streets, sidewalks, alleys, vacant lots Dead animals Cats, dogs, horses, cows Abandoned vehicles Unwanted cars and trucks left on public property Industrial wastes Food-processing wastes, boiler house cinders, lumber scraps, metal scraps. havings Factories, power plants Demolition wastes Lumber, pipes, brick, masonry, and other construction materials from razed buildings and other structures Demolition sites to be used for new buildings, renewal projects, expressways Construction wastes Scrap lumber, pipe, ther construction materials New construction, remodelling Special wastes Hazardous solids and liquids; explosives, pathological wastes, radioactive materials Households, hotels, hospitals, institutions, stores, industry Sewage treatment residue Solids from coarse screening and from grit chambers; septic tank sludge Sewage treatment plants; septic tanks Waste recycling and processing In the proce ss of urbanization, the waste was once the burden of city development as the product of urban metabolism; many cities in the world have been besieged by garbage before. In now days, waste is considered to be the most potential, inexhaustible†urban mines†for development; it is the â€Å"misplaced resources†. Waste all have the corresponding recycling technology, make it can be used as â€Å"secondary sources†into the new production cycle, thus reducing resource consumption and environmental pollution. This is not only the in-depth and deep understanding of the waste, but also is the inevitable requirement of urban development. General city processed into organic compound fertilizer and used for landscaping or agricultural fertilizer in organic waste processing factory. 2. Dry waste (inorganic waste): further refined classified as waste paper, waste plastic, glass, scrap metal and other recyclable componentsin the garbage sorting centre, and then recycling plant for recyclingby thecorresponding. 3. Hazardous waste: recyclable materialssent to recycling after sorting in the hazardous waste sorting disposal station and the residue are safely landfill or incineration. Currently, there are several ways of waste disposal: 1. Landfill Method: Fill trash in the pit that has been ready for, make it automaticallyhappen biological, physical and chemical changes, decomposition of rganic matter, to achieve reduction and harmless purposes; but for a long time, most cities are carried out with open dumps and natural filling ditch without any protection. This leads to a lot of rubbish sewage from the surface into the ground and cause serious pollution of groundwater sources and the urban environment. Therefore this waste disposal method has gradually been eliminated. 2. Incineration method: incineration method is to put thegarbage into high temperature furnace; make one full oxidation of combustible ingredients; the heat that generated can be used for power generation and heating. The biggest shortcoming of this method is generatedof dioxin gas during the incineration; thereforefor achieving environmental protection, Therefore only on the incineration of toxic and harmful gases through a series of processing,this method can realize environmental protection. 3. Composting Method: piles of garbage accumulation, heat up to 70 C, storage, fermentation, with the ability of microbial decomposition in garbage, to decompose organic matter into inorganic nutrients. After composting treatment, garbage becomes hygienic, odourless humus. Not only way to solve the garbage, but lso to achieve the purpose of the resource; but the large amount of solid waste composting, nutrient content is low, long-term use could easily lead to soil compaction and deterioration of groundwater quality, so the scale is not easy to compost too. 4. Treatment resources: Careful classification of urban living garbage, Then according to the different nature of classified garbage after respectively adopt appropriate methods to deal with, make all the different types of waste can be utilized, thus to be truly achievereduction, harmless and resource of waste. Waste power generation From the 1970s onwards, some developed countries have started to use the heat generated by burning garbage to generate electricity. Some country in Europe built a garbage power plant, a U. S. garbage power plant generating capacity up to 100 MW, processing 600 thousand tons of garbage per day. Now, garbage power plant in Germany is spendinga huge sum of money from abroad to buy rubbish every year. According to statistics, currently there are nearly a thousand types of waste disposal plant; all kinds of garbage utilization facility will be increased to 3000 or more in hree years. Scientists measure that the garbage in the secondary energy, such as organic fuelcontains high calorific value, the heat of burning 2 tons of wasteequivalent to about 1 tons of coal. Confrontingproblem The reason that why waste power generation is developing slowly Is mainly due to the combustionpower generation, which cannot be effectively solve for a long time. Japan has been promoting a super waste power generation technology, by using new gas furnace; rose the furnace temperature to 500 ‘C, increase the power generation fficiency from 10% in the pastto around 25%, reduced toxic emissions to less than 0. 5%, below the international standard; But, of course, the cost of waste power generation is still higher than the traditional thermal power. Some experts believe that withthe technology development inwaste collection, handling, transport, utilization and other aspects, waste power generation is likely to become one of the most economical power generation technologies. From the long-term benefits and the comprehensive index, it will be superior to the traditional electric power production. Conclusion In conclusion, waste is a common issue; this can lead to health problems and destruction of natural resources. If people do not attach importance to waste classification and recycling, not only for our present life will be affected, but also for our future generations. This is not Just a country, an organization, an individual’s responsibility, but the responsibility of all mankind. lf when each person throwing garbage can be a little more environmental awareness, we could effectively increase the waste comprehensive utilization, So that the whole society will be able to less affect by waste problems. How to cite Waste management, Papers Waste Management Free Essays Introduction: Rapid urbanisation and industrial diversification has led to generation of considerable amount of municipal, plastic, hazardous and biomedical waste. Improper disposal of wastes often leads to spread of diseases and contamination of water bodies and soil. The impact of these wastes cannot be ignored and managing them has become a major problem. We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now The objective and scope of this research project: In this project we have tried to gain an insight on the term waste management. The objective of the project was to seek an overview of waste management in large cities especially in supermarkets and predominantly the waste disposal system of large fast food outlets in Bangalore. The scope was (due to time constraint) limited to two major food chains. We have as an initial investigation tried to bring out the very nature of major sources of waste in our cities, the present waste disposal system in Bangalore and measures to effectively dispose off the waste generated in supermarkets. Municipal solid waste: On an average 40-50% of the total municipal waste is generated in the six municipal corporations of Karnataka and more than 70 percent of municipal waste is generated in the residential and market areas. The domestic waste generated by the households comprises mainly of organic, plastic and paper waste. Problems of municipal solid waste: The major problems of municipal solid waste are: †¢Collection and storage of waste. Mixing and segregation of waste. †¢Transportation of waste. †¢Indiscriminate burning of waste †¢Illegal disposal of waste. 1. Collection and storage of waste: waste collection and disposal lies at the core of municipal waste management. Waste management happens to be the major source of expenditure in municipal budgets. Failure to effectively manage waste generated in the cities leads to overflowing bins and foul odour in the city streets. It also poses as a potential threat to the hygiene and health of the public. 2. Mixing and segregation of waste: with no clear instruction and procedures to the contrary the household waste generated are very heterogeneous in nature due to no or very limited segregation of waste during disposal process. It also is witnessed in industrial wastes. Where lack of government regulation leads to uncontrolled disposal without proper segregation. 3. Transportation of waste: the rapid expansion of cities coupled with high population growth rates and limited control on procedures to dispose municipal wastes resulted in mismatch on guidelines and actual waste transport. The transporters of municipal wastes are normally private contractors who with the aim of profit maximisation tend to dispose waste in the nearest vacant plots just on the outskirts of the city. Though dumping zones have been identified around the city yet the transporters often resort to dumping on plots near main roads leading to the city. 4. Indiscriminate burning of wastes: often as discussed above the transporters do not dump the wastes on designated land fills earmarked by municiapal bodies but on the roads leading to the cities or vacant plots on the outskirts of the city they also resort to burning of wastes to reduce the heap for future dumping. As the waste dumped are unsorted and contain many hazardous substances eg plastics bottles and polythene bags. The gas generated are toxic in nature and a common sight are the rag pickers who roam around such dump sites to collect materials of some worth. They are effected by the smoke and the gas generated. 5. Illegal disposal of waste: in absence of strict guidelines and enforcement of proper disposal of wastes in major cities in India the transporters mainly the private contractors resort to dumping of wastes in vacant plots instead of disposing them to proper dumping sites. This results over a period of time a major ecological threat. E. g a recent study found that in Bangalore around 600 Tons of municipal wastes are illegally dumped on vacant plots on daily basis. How to cite Waste Management, Papers Waste Management Free Essays The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed suit against the founder and five other former top officers of Waste Management Inc. for massive fraud. The complaint charges the defendants with inflating profits to meet earnings targets. We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now The officers named in the complaint include the following: * The CEO, who set earnings targets, fostered a culture of fraudulent accounting, personally directed certain of the accounting changes to make the targeted earnings, and was the spokesperson who announced the company’s phony numbers. The CFO, who ordered the destruction of damaging evidence, misled the company’s audit committee and internal accountants, and withheld information from the outside auditors. * The corporate controller, who devised many â€Å"one-off†accounting manipulations to deliver the targeted earnings and carefully crafted the deceptive disclosures. * The general counsel, who blessed the company’s fraudulent disclosures. In brief, the complaint says the company’s revenues were not growing fast enough to meet its earnings targets, so the defendants instead resorted to improperly eliminating and deferring current period expenses. Specific tactics: * Avoiding depreciation expenses on their garbage trucks by both assigning unsupported and inflated salvage values and extending their useful lives. * Assigning arbitrary salvage values to other assets that previously had no salvage value. * Failing to record expenses for decreases in the value of landfills as they were filled with waste. * Refusing to record expenses necessary to write off the costs of unsuccessful and abandoned landfill development projects. Establishing inflated environmental reserves (liabilities) in connection with acquisitions so that the excess reserves could be used to avoid recording unrelated operating expenses. * Improperly capitalizing a variety of expenses, and failing to establish sufficient reserves (liabilities) to pay for income taxes and other expenses. The SEC says Andersen, the company’s auditor, identified the improper accounting practices, quantified much of the impact, and annually presented company management with a set of â€Å"Proposed Adjusting Journal Entries. Instead of making the adjustments, management signed off on a â€Å"Summary of Action Steps†that the SEC says included steps designed to write off the accumulated errors and to change the underlying accounting practices in future periods The company had augmented the depreciation time length for their property, plant, and equipment, artificially inflating the company’s after-tax profits by US$1. 7 billion. Waste Management paid US$457 million to settle a shareholder class-action suit. The SEC fined Waste Management’s independent auditor, Arthur Andersen, US$7 million for their role. How to cite Waste Management, Papers
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